Discovering the Magic Behind Air Fryers: How Do They Really Work?

Discovering the Magic Behind Air Fryers: How Do They Really Work? Picture this: a bustling kitchen, the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air, and in the midst of it all, a sleek, modern device working its magic on your favorite snacks. That’s right! We’re talking about the air fryer, the latest superstar of the culinary world. If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, how do these fantastic gadgets make our guilty pleasures healthier? Today, we’ll lift the lid on this culinary conundrum and delve into the inner workings of air fryers.

Unpacking the Concept: What is an Air Fryer?

So, let’s start with the basics. At its core, an air fryer is a countertop convection oven compact enough to fit in any modern kitchen. The goal? To give you that deep-fried texture and flavor you love without all the oil. That’s right, less oil means fewer calories. But how does it do it? Stick with me; we’re about to find out.

Air Fryer: The Science Behind the Cooking Technique

Ready for a mini science lesson? When it comes to cooking, air fryers apply the principle of convection. Imagine a cyclone of superheated air swishing around your food, driven by a powerful fan. This gust of hot air seals the outside layer of the food, resulting in that crispy texture we all adore, while ensuring the inside cooks perfectly. A spritz of oil helps to add to the crunch and color, without tipping the scales on your calorie count.

Exploring the Benefits of Air Frying

Apart from the obvious health benefits of lower fat content, air frying brings a host of other perks. You can wave goodbye to greasy kitchen countertops and that lingering smell of oil, as air frying keeps your kitchen spick and span. Plus, it cooks food faster than your traditional oven, saving you time for more important things. From chicken wings to vegetable fries, even baked goods – the air fryer is a versatile beast!

Demystifying the Magic: Components of an Air Fryer

Time for a quick tour of your air fryer. First up, we have the food basket where the magic happens. This is where your food sits and gets bombarded with hot air. The fan and exhaust system ensure hot air circulates evenly for consistent cooking. Then we have the heating element which, you guessed it, heats the air. Finally, there are the temperature controls, giving you complete control over your culinary adventure.

Air Frying vs Traditional Frying: What’s the Difference?

But how does air frying differ from traditional frying, I hear you ask? The most significant difference lies in the amount of oil used. Traditional frying immerses food in hot oil, while air frying only requires a light coat of oil. This results in lighter, less greasy food from your air fryer. The taste and texture, while not identical to deep frying, still offers that satisfying crunch and flavor we all crave.

Journey Through Time: The Full History of Air Fryers

As we marvel at the culinary wizardry of air fryers, it’s interesting to delve into the history of these innovative devices. Tracing back the evolution of air fryers helps us appreciate their journey from a fledgling concept to a kitchen staple globally.

The Birth of the Air Fryer:

The concept of air fryers was born in the 21st century, with the Dutch company Philips leading the way. In 2010, Philips introduced the first-ever air fryer at the consumer electronics fair in Berlin, named “IFA. This invention was a game-changer in the world of cooking appliances, promising fried foods’ taste and texture but with a dramatically reduced amount of oil.

The Technology Behind the Air Fryer:

Philips’ design centered around Rapid Air Technology, a new tech that used powerful convection to circulate hot air around a grill component. This technique cooked food evenly and quickly, creating a crispy exterior similar to that of traditional fried food. The significant difference was that it used 70-80% less oil compared to conventional fryers.

Growing Popularity and Adoption:

Philips might have been the pioneers, but they were soon followed by other manufacturers as the popularity of air fryers began to skyrocket. Different models with varying capacities, features, and price points started to appear, making air frying accessible to a wide array of consumers.

Companies like GoWISE USA, Tefal, Black + Decker, and many others entered the market, contributing to the growing enthusiasm for air frying. Home cooks were drawn to the convenience, health benefits, and versatility of these appliances, leading to an increasing presence in kitchens around the world.

The Age of Digitalization and Innovation:

As technology advanced, so did air fryers. Digital air fryers, equipped with touch screens and pre-programmed settings, began to dominate the market. These high-tech models provided users with precision control over cooking time and temperature, further simplifying the cooking process.

Simultaneously, air fryers evolved beyond being single-purpose gadgets. Many models started incorporating roasting, baking, grilling, and dehydrating functions, transforming the humble air fryer into a multifunctional kitchen powerhouse.

The Air Fryer Today:

Today, the air fryer’s journey continues. Whether it’s a countertop model in a home kitchen or a commercial-grade unit in a restaurant, air fryers have truly carved out a place in the culinary world. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further innovation in design, functionality, and efficiency.

The history of air fryers is a testament to human innovation and our continuous pursuit of healthier living. From the early days of Philips’ Rapid Air Technology to today’s versatile, multifunctional models, air fryers have transformed our approach to cooking, providing a healthier, easier, and more enjoyable way to enjoy our favorite fried foods.

The Future of Cooking: Air Fryers in the Modern Kitchen

As we bring our journey to a close, let’s ponder the place of air fryers in today’s world. These nifty devices are not just cooking appliances; they’re pioneers leading us towards a healthier, more convenient lifestyle. With an air fryer in your kitchen, you’re not just indulging in a love for fried foods. You’re joining a culinary revolution that marries taste, health, and convenience. So go on, give your meals a whirl in the air fryer. Your taste buds (and waistline) will thank you!

The Art of Air Frying: A New Culinary Skill

One exciting aspect of the air fryer revolution is the whole new range of culinary skills it brings to our kitchens. You may have thought that frying food was pretty straightforward – but air frying is a unique art form of its own. For starters, there’s the simple action of “tossing” the food in the basket. Sounds easy, right? Yet, this small step plays a crucial role in ensuring that the heated air reaches every piece of food, creating an evenly fried dish.

Another nifty trick to master is the use of oil in air frying. Unlike deep frying, where the oil plays a primary role in cooking the food, in air frying, the oil has more of a supporting role. It’s used to help the food develop that delicious golden-brown hue and to add a bit of crunch. Getting just the right amount of oil on your food can make all the difference between an okay meal and a scrumptious feast.

The good news is that these skills are easy to learn, and practice certainly makes perfect. The more you use your air fryer, the better you’ll get at using it – and the tastier your meals will become!

Safety First: The Safe Use of Air Fryers

When it comes to using kitchen appliances, safety should always be a priority – and air fryers are no exception. While they’re generally safe to use, there are a few things you should keep in mind to prevent accidents and maintain the longevity of your device.

Firstly, avoid touching the device when it’s in use. It can get pretty hot, and you wouldn’t want to burn yourself. Also, remember to give it a little space on your countertop – you don’t want any other objects getting heated up by accident.

Just as you wouldn’t open a regular oven door when it’s cooking, you should avoid pulling out the air fryer basket while it’s in operation. Wait until the timer goes off, or if you really must check, be sure to pause the device first.

Finally, always clean your air fryer after each use. Built-up food residues can not only affect the taste of your meals but can also pose a fire risk if left unattended for too long.

The Environmental Impact: Air Fryers and Sustainability

In this day and age, it’s essential to consider the environmental impact of our choices – and yes, that includes our choice of cooking methods. In comparison to traditional ovens and deep fryers, air fryers are quite energy efficient.

Because of their compact size, air fryers can heat up quickly and maintain their temperature more efficiently than regular ovens. This means they use less energy to cook the same amount of food.

Additionally, the reduction in oil use is not only good for your health but also for the environment. Less oil used means less oil disposed of, leading to lower potential pollution.

By choosing to use an air fryer, you’re not just choosing a healthier way to cook; you’re also making a more sustainable choice.

Air Fryer Maintenance: Ensuring Longevity and Performance

Just like any other kitchen appliance, your air fryer needs a little TLC to keep it in top shape. Regular cleaning is a must. Focus on the basket, as that’s where most food particles are likely to get stuck. However, don’t forget about the heating element – a quick clean now and then will help prevent any built-up grime that could potentially affect its performance.

When cleaning, avoid using abrasive materials that could damage the non-stick surface of the basket. Most air fryer baskets are dishwasher safe, but if you prefer to handwash, warm soapy water and a soft sponge will do the trick.

Remember to check the fan and exhaust ports as well. Over time, oil and food particles can accumulate in these areas, potentially causing your device to overheat.

With regular maintenance, you can ensure your air fryer will continue to deliver delicious meals for years to come!

Air Fryer Accessories: Enhancing Your Cooking Experience

To truly unleash the full potential of your air fryer, you may want to consider investing in some accessories. These can enhance your cooking experience and expand the variety of dishes you can prepare.

For instance, air fryer baking pans allow you to bake cakes, bread, and even quiches right in your air fryer. Grill pans, on the other hand, are perfect for grilling meats and veggies to perfection.

Then there are skewer racks – ideal for making kebabs – and pizza pans for, well, making pizza! There are also special racks that can help you cook multiple layers of food at the same time, thereby increasing your air fryer’s capacity.

Just make sure that any accessory you purchase is compatible with your specific air fryer model. With the right accessories, there’s no limit to the culinary masterpieces you can create with your air fryer!

Great for All Diets: Air Fryers and Dietary Restrictions

Here’s some good news for those of you with dietary restrictions or preferences – air fryers can accommodate you too! Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or on a low-carb diet, you can still whip up delicious meals in your air fryer.

For vegetarians and vegans, air fryers can turn humble vegetables into crispy, irresistible treats. Think air-fried Brussels sprouts, sweet potato fries, or even cauliflower wings. You won’t believe how tasty vegetables can be until you’ve tried them air-fried!

If you’re avoiding gluten, the air fryer has got you covered too. Many traditional fried foods are off-limits due to their wheat-based breading. But with an air fryer, you can make your own gluten-free versions at home, controlling exactly what goes into your meal.

And let’s not forget those on low-carb diets like Keto or Paleo. Foods like air-fried chicken or fish, stuffed bell peppers, and even crispy zucchini fries are all on the menu!

Air Fryers: Not Just for Savory Foods

When most people think about air fryers, savory dishes usually come to mind. But did you know that your air fryer can also satisfy your sweet tooth? That’s right, air fryers can bake too, and they do a pretty good job at it!

From fluffy doughnuts and apple pie to banana bread and brownies, there’s a plethora of sweet treats you can whip up. Air frying your desserts not only saves you time but can also help make your treats a little healthier. You can control the amount of sugar and fat that goes into your desserts, without compromising on taste or texture.

The next time you’re craving something sweet, don’t reach for the store-bought pastries. Give your air fryer a chance to impress you. You might be surprised at how good air-fried desserts can be!

Air Fryer Mistakes: Learning from Common Missteps

Like any new kitchen gadget, there’s a bit of a learning curve when you first start using an air fryer. But don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Let’s talk about some common air fryer mistakes and how to avoid them.

One common mistake is overcrowding the basket. I get it – you’re excited to use your new gadget, and you want to cook a lot of food at once. But remember, your air fryer needs room for the hot air to circulate. Overcrowding the basket can lead to unevenly cooked food.

Another misstep is not using any oil at all. While air fryers are a healthier alternative due to their reduced need for oil, using a little oil can help your food crisp up and add color. Remember, it’s about using less oil, not eliminating it completely.

Lastly, don’t forget to clean your air fryer regularly. This might seem like a no-brainer, but many people forget about it. Leftover food particles can burn and cause smoke, or even lead to your food tasting a bit off.

The Wide World of Air Fryer Recipes

The wonderful world of air frying isn’t just limited to French fries or chicken wings. There are countless recipes out there that you can try, from the savory to the sweet, and even some surprising options in between.

Ever tried air-fried tofu? It’s a game-changer. Or how about air-fried eggplant parmesan? Delicious and much healthier than the traditional version. And for those of you with a sweet tooth, air-fried churros or apple chips could be your next favorite snack.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new recipes. The beauty of the air fryer lies in its versatility. So, dig into those recipe blogs, or even better, try creating your own unique dishes!

Perfect for Any Meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks

Last, but certainly not least, let’s debunk the myth that air fryers are only good for dinner or snacks. These handy machines can actually help you prepare any meal of the day, and yes, that includes breakfast!

Imagine starting your day with a plate of crispy air-fried bacon, or a delicious omelet cooked to perfection in your air fryer. You can even make pancakes or French toast in an air fryer. Yes, really!

When lunch rolls around, why not whip up some air-fried fish tacos, or a healthy vegetable stir-fry? And for dinner, the options are endless. From stuffed chicken breast to pork chops or even a whole roasted chicken, you’ll be spoiled for choice.

Snacks? We’ve got them covered too. From crispy kale chips to fluffy doughnuts, your air fryer can handle it all. So, whatever the time of day, your air fryer is ready to help you create a delicious, healthy meal.

Mastering Your Air Fryer: Tips and Tricks for Success

Becoming a master of air frying isn’t just about learning how to use the appliance—it’s also about knowing the tricks that can take your meals to the next level. Whether you’re an air fryer newbie or a seasoned pro, these tips and tricks will help you make the most of this versatile kitchen tool.

  1. Preheating is Your Friend: While some models claim to not require preheating, giving your air fryer a few minutes to heat up can help ensure your food cooks evenly. Think of it like a mini oven—it performs best when it’s preheated.
  2. Shake, Shake, Shake: To achieve that perfectly even crispiness, make sure to shake the basket halfway through the cooking process. This will ensure the hot air circulates evenly around your food.
  3. Don’t Overcrowd the Basket: It might be tempting to cram as much food as you can into the basket, but resist the urge! Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking. It’s better to cook in batches for the best results.
  4. Pat Foods Dry: If you’re cooking something that’s been marinated or rinsed, make sure to pat it dry before popping it in the fryer. Excess moisture can affect the end result, making your food less crispy.
  5. A Little Oil Goes a Long Way: While the whole point of air frying is to use less oil, a light spray can help achieve a better texture and browning. Just remember, a little goes a long way!
  6. Keep it Clean: Cleaning your air fryer after each use can prolong its life and prevent any build-up from affecting the taste of your food. Most baskets are dishwasher safe, but you can also easily clean them with warm soapy water.
  7. Use the Right Accessories: Using air fryer-friendly accessories can expand your culinary options. Silicone or metal pans, for instance, can be great for baking or cooking liquid-based dishes.
  8. Experiment and Have Fun: The best way to learn about your air fryer is to use it frequently. Don’t be afraid to experiment with cooking times and temperatures, try new recipes, and have fun with it!

Remember, every air fryer is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Keep these tips in mind, but also take the time to get to know your specific model. With a little practice, you’ll be an air frying pro in no time!

Keep it Shining: Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Your Air Fryer

Maintaining your air fryer’s cleanliness and function is key to ensuring it serves you well for years to come. It’s not only about prolonging the lifespan of the appliance but also about making sure that your meals taste great every single time. Here are some essential cleaning and maintenance tips to help you take the best care of your air fryer.

  1. Unplug and Cool Down: Always remember to unplug the air fryer and let it cool down before cleaning. It might seem obvious, but it’s a safety measure that’s important not to overlook.
  2. Clean After Each Use: To avoid any residue build-up and keep your air fryer functioning optimally, it’s a good idea to clean it after each use. This helps prevent leftover food particles from burning and impacting the flavor of subsequent meals.
  3. Wash Removable Parts: Most air fryers come with dishwasher-safe parts. These typically include the cooking basket, pan, and rack. If these parts are heavily greasy or sticky, soak them in hot, soapy water before popping them in the dishwasher.
  4. Wipe the Interior: With a damp cloth or non-abrasive sponge, gently wipe the interior of the air fryer. Take care to reach into corners and niches where oil and food residue might hide.
  5. Don’t Forget the Exterior: Wipe down the outside of your air fryer with a damp cloth. This will keep it looking shiny and new. Just be careful to avoid any electronic displays or controls.
  6. Check the Heating Element: Over time, the heating element at the top of your air fryer can accumulate residues that can cause smoke during cooking. Make sure to clean it carefully with a soft brush or cloth, ensuring no particles are left behind.
  7. Deep Clean Periodically: Even with regular cleaning, it’s a good idea to give your air fryer a deep clean every now and then. This might include using a small brush to clean any hard-to-reach areas or even using a mixture of vinegar and water to break down stubborn grease.
  8. Inspect Regularly: Lastly, regular inspections can help identify any potential issues early. Check for any loose parts or frayed cords, and if you notice any problems, contact the manufacturer or a repair expert.

Remember, a well-maintained air fryer is not only a healthier cooking option but also a tastier one. So, show your air fryer some love, and it’ll continue to reward you with delicious, crispy meals!

Unleashing the Culinary Possibilities: What Can You Cook in an Air Fryer?

When people think about air fryers, the first thing that often comes to mind is frying. However, these versatile kitchen gadgets are capable of much more than making french fries or chicken nuggets. From baked goods to roasted vegetables, the culinary possibilities are nearly endless.

The Traditional Frying Favorites:

Naturally, fried food is a standout in the air fryer. The rapid air technology of these appliances does a fantastic job of cooking foods to crispy perfection. Items like french fries, chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings can all be cooked with far less oil than traditional frying methods require.

Getting Creative with Main Dishes:

But it’s not all about the fried foods. Many air fryers can handle a variety of main dishes, too. You can cook delicious fish fillets, juicy steaks, and even whole chickens. With the right accessories, you can also use your air fryer for baking, expanding your menu options even further.

Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth:

And let’s not forget about desserts! You’d be surprised how well your air fryer can bake cookies, brownies, and even cakes. The hot circulating air ensures your sweet treats are evenly cooked and deliciously tender.

Roasting and Grilling Vegetables:

Vegetables also shine in the air fryer. Whether you prefer them lightly roasted or fully crisped, your air fryer can do it all. From Brussel sprouts to sweet potatoes, air-frying your veggies can bring out their natural sweetness while giving them a satisfying crunch.

Experimenting with Global Cuisine:

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative and try out different cuisines in your air fryer. From Indian samosas to Chinese spring rolls, the culinary world is your oyster with an air fryer. So, why not take your taste buds on a global journey right from your kitchen!

Health Impact: Making the Switch to Air Frying

Air frying isn’t just a trend—it’s a lifestyle change many are adopting for health reasons. By significantly reducing the amount of oil used in cooking, air fryers offer a healthier alternative to traditional frying, allowing you to indulge in your favorite foods without the guilt.

Reduced Fat and Calories:

The primary health benefit of air frying is that it requires significantly less oil than traditional frying methods. By using hot air to cook the food, air fryers can achieve similar results to deep-frying but with up to 80% less fat. This can lead to a significant reduction in calorie intake, which is beneficial for weight management.

Lower Risk of Harmful Compounds:

Another health advantage of air frying is that it can reduce exposure to harmful compounds. Deep frying foods at high temperatures can lead to the formation of harmful substances like acrylamide. By using lower temperatures and less oil, air frying can minimize these risks.

Promoting Healthier Eating Habits:

Finally, air frying can encourage healthier eating habits. With an air fryer, you can easily incorporate more lean proteins and vegetables into your diet, creating balanced, nutritious meals without sacrificing flavor.

Accessibility and Affordability: Air Fryers for Every Kitchen

One of the biggest appeals of air fryers is their accessibility and affordability. With a range of models available at different price points, there’s an air fryer to suit every kitchen and budget.

Finding the Right Size:

Air fryers come in various sizes, from compact models suitable for singles or couples to larger units capable of feeding a whole family. It’s important to choose a model that fits your kitchen space and meets your cooking needs.

Investing in Multifunctionality:

Many modern air fryers are more than just fryers—they’re multifunctional appliances that can roast, bake, grill, and more. Investing in one of these versatile models can provide excellent value for money, saving you from buying multiple separate appliances.

The Affordability Factor:

While high-end models can be quite expensive, there are also many affordable options on the market. Even budget models offer impressive cooking capabilities, making air frying accessible to a wide range of consumers.

The Environmental Impact: Are Air Fryers Eco-Friendly?

In our increasingly eco-conscious society, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of our appliances. While air fryers aren’t perfect, they do offer some environmental advantages.

Energy Efficiency:

Compared to traditional ovens, air fryers are more energy-efficient. They heat up faster and cook food quicker, resulting in less energy use. Plus, because they’re smaller, they don’t release as much heat into your kitchen, reducing the need for cooling.

Less Oil Usage:

Air fryers also require significantly less oil than traditional frying methods, reducing waste. And since you’re not pouring oil down the drain (which can lead to blockages and water pollution), you’re helping to protect our waterways.

Responsible Usage: Considerations When Using Air Fryers

As beneficial as air fryers are, it’s important to understand and consider some aspects that require careful thought. From energy consumption to safety considerations, let’s explore some key points to keep in mind when using these appliances.

Energy Consumption:

While air fryers are touted for their energy efficiency, especially compared to traditional ovens, they are still electrical appliances and will contribute to your home’s overall energy consumption. Here are a few tips to use your air fryer responsibly:

Safety Concerns:

While air fryers are generally safe to use, they can pose some hazards if not used correctly. Consider the following:

  • Air fryers can become extremely hot during use, both inside and out. Be careful when handling the appliance during and immediately after cooking.
  • Never overfill the air fryer’s cooking basket. Overfilling can cause food to cook unevenly and may lead to safety issues, such as food particles getting caught in the appliance’s heating element.
  • Always place your air fryer on a heat-resistant, stable surface to avoid any risk of tipping or spilling.

Nutritional Considerations:

Even though air fryers reduce the amount of oil used in cooking, resulting in lower-fat meals, it’s important to remember that not all air-fried foods are necessarily healthy.

  • Watch out for processed foods. While air frying can make processed foods like frozen fries or nuggets healthier than deep frying, these items are still often high in sodium and other additives.
  • Pair with balanced meals. Even when air frying, it’s important to balance your meals with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins to ensure you’re getting a range of nutrients.
  • Moderation is key. Air-fried foods can still be high in calories, especially when coated with breading or batter. Enjoy these foods in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Longevity and Maintenance:

The lifespan of your air fryer largely depends on how well you take care of it.

  • Regular cleaning: Cleaning your air fryer after each use is vital. Not only does it ensure your food continues to taste great, but it also extends the life of your appliance.
  • Periodic checks: Regularly check the condition of the air fryer’s components, like the cooking basket and heating element, for any wear and tear.
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use, cleaning, and maintenance to keep your air fryer in top condition.

Embracing the Revolution: Air Fryers and the Future of Home Cooking

In our culinary journey today, we’ve peeked inside the world of air fryers, demystifying their workings, diving into their advantages, and assessing considerations to be mindful of. As we wrap up, let’s contemplate the impressive growth of this appliance and its potential influence on home cooking.

Air fryers have, undoubtedly, revolutionized our kitchens. They’ve ushered in a novel way of frying foods healthier, less messy, and remarkably convenient. Gone are the days when indulging in fried food was synonymous with guilt-ridden afterthoughts. With an air fryer, we can now enjoy our favorite crispy delicacies without the extra calories or the kitchen cleanup.

The multi-functionality of these devices makes them an all-around champion in our kitchens. We’ve seen how you can roast vegetables, bake pastries, cook steak, and more, extending its usability beyond just “frying.” No wonder they’ve rapidly become a kitchen staple across the globe.

Our discussion about the environmental implications of air fryers paints a promising picture, too. From energy efficiency to reduced oil usage, air fryers are playing their part in promoting a greener lifestyle. Of course, as with any electrical appliance, there are considerations to remember about responsible usage. But with careful and mindful use, these appliances can be a sustainable addition to our kitchens.

Air fryers are not just a fleeting trend they’re here to stay. Their ever-growing popularity is proof of the significant benefits they offer. They are transforming the way we cook, bringing restaurant-quality fried food to our dinner tables without the unwanted extras.

The versatility, convenience, health benefits, and cost-effectiveness of air fryers are influencing cooking habits worldwide. They’ve created a new space in the culinary world, combining health and taste in a way we hadn’t imagined before. The result is a more accessible, healthier, and enjoyable cooking experience.

As we move towards a future where health and convenience continue to be of paramount importance, air fryers will keep playing a crucial role in our kitchens. They represent not just an appliance but a shift in our cooking culture a shift towards healthier, simpler, and more versatile home cooking.

So, whether you’re a kitchen novice looking for a simple way to start cooking or a seasoned chef seeking to expand your culinary horizons, an air fryer could be your next great kitchen adventure. Embrace this innovative technology, experiment with your favorite recipes, and enjoy the multitude of benefits it has to offer. After all, isn’t it time we made our guilty pleasures a little less guilty?

Here’s to the future of cooking with air fryers—a future that promises to be crispy, tasty, and wonderfully healthy!